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Why is it so difficult to find a jail cell? Every day there are thousands of lucky inmates having the time of their lives whereas me having to suffer from depression, PTSD, and other physical health issues. I need security in my life and some relaxation that a jail cell provides. Why should I have to get a record for lifesaving treatment? I can’t afford the basics let along the other necessities. I need to be owned secured and locked away and caged. Wish someone would be real instead of judging me for being poor and disabled. What is with these cruel individuals on Craigslist who are trying to get my ads flagged and make fun of me for being alive. I can not even get a loan.

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I am tired of feeling so depressed so tired of the pain. It never ends does it? I feel so nauseated and so exhausted. My employer Starbucks really fucked me over and discriminated against my disabilities. I am now afraid that I will be fired any moment for something I never did. What company writes someone up for missing work when they are medically excused by a doctor in a food service establishment. Starbucks also writes me up for being the victim of disability discrimination. The company also never followed any of my doctor’s orders such as working after 9 am and transferring to a store closer to my house. I put up with a manager who thinks she’s in the right saying she doesn’t have to follow the law and that a disabled person has no right to work. Told several times that I will do whatever it takes to fire you. I have lost so much money and no way to recuperate.

Two car accidents have destroyed my health. I have lost everything in my life what more is there to gain. I can not even still get my Can Am Spyder and I’m longing to ride again. I keep getting people who tell me to kill myself and tell me I don’t deserve to be happy. What more can one take? I want to go hide in a jail cell and get away from such cruel people on the outside. I want to just feel safe and secure and it seems that no one gives a care about me. I feel so lost cannot get the medical help that I need cannot afford to make ends meet.

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Nothing left in my life that makes me feel happy. Can’t seem to have a job without being discriminated against. Can’t sleep for shit. I need confinement badly for therapy. Can’t afford to have a three wheeled Motorcycle. I want to be riding a can am spyder but no help there either. The pain is so much lately anyone got a jail cell I can crawl into.